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Jass Manak joins hands Emiway Bantai for Bad Munda

The official poster of Jass Manaks upcoming album Bad Munda has finally been unveiled. And along with the poster a new update has also been unveiled that for the first time ever the Parada fame singer is joining hands with the popular musical artist Emiway Bantai.

Emiway Bantai is a hip-hop artist known for giving some really cool musical treats, and now that he will be seen alongside our Punjabi Bad Munda Jass Manak, the combination is expected to be too lethal.Further  besides giving vocals to the song Jass Manak has worked on the lyrics and composition. Further, the music is by Deep Jandu and the video is by Satti Dhillon in which Emiway Bantai will be seen featuring alongside Jass.Meanwhile on the cinematic front we are still waiting for an update on the release of Jatt Brothers 

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