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Govt approves plan for 60,000 houses under PMAY across five states

The total number of sanctioned houses under PMAY(U) now stand at 114.04 lakh, of which around 93.25 lakh have been grounded for construction and around 54.78 Lakh have been completed and delivered to the beneficiaries, according to the ministry.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs on Tuesday approved project proposals for over 60,000 houses across five states — Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan — at the 58th meeting of Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee (CSMC) under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban).

The total number of sanctioned houses under PMAY(U) now stand at 114.04 lakh, of which around 93.25 lakh have been grounded for construction and around 54.78 Lakh have been completed and delivered to the beneficiaries, according to the ministry.

The total investment under the mission stands at Rs 7.52 lakh crore, with central assistance of Rs 1.87 lakh crore.

So far, central assistance amounting to Rs 1.21 lakh crore has already been released, the ministry said.

The meeting on Tuesday was chaired by secretary at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) Manoj Joshi.

“Presiding over the meeting, Secretary, MoHUA also discussed the issues pertaining to grounding and construction of houses in different States under different verticals of PMAY(U). He reviewed the pace of completion of houses in the States and directed the officials to expedite the process and meanwhile also evaluate the beneficiary allotment and completion of Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP) projects in their respective areas,” the ministry said.

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