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The Story of Kalidas(Search for Kalidas)

Raja Bhoj and Kalidas were very close to each other. Kalidas often took too much liberty with the King. Once Raja Bhoj was so angry with Kalidas that he banished him from his kingdom.

The Story of Kalidas(Search for Kalidas)

Raja Bhoj and Kalidas were very close to each other. Kalidas often took too much liberty with the King. Once Raja Bhoj was so angry with Kalidas that he banished him from his kingdom.

Kalidas immediately left his house and went into the forest.After some time. Raja Bhoj missed Kalidas. Without Kalidas, his court was not as lively as it used to be. Learned men from the courts of other kings came for friendly debates.

They defeated the courtiers of Raja Bhoj. Such humiliating defeats had never been suffered in the past. Raja Bhoj ordered a search for Kalidas and wanted him to be brought to Dharanagri with due honour.

Every nook and corner of the country was searched but Kalidas was to be found nowhere. This made the Raja all the more miserable and he decided to undertake the search himself. He disguised himself as a sadhu and left his palace in search of Kalidas.

After a long time, he found Kalidas in a temple. Kalidas did not recognise Raja Bhoj as the latter was in disguise.When Kalidas asked the sadhu where he came from, the Raja said, "From Dharanagri."

"How is Raja Bhoj?" asked Kalidas."The Raja died in sorrow after banishing Kalidas," lied the sadhu.Kalidas was much grieved to learn it. Spontaneously a Sanskrit shloka escaped from his mouth: "Raja Bhoj is dead; Dharanagri has lost its defender and its glory; And the learned have lost their celebrated patron."No sooner did Kalidas say the shloka, than the sadhu fell down dead.

Then Kalidas knew that the sadhu was, in fact. Raja Bhoj in disguise. Immediately, Kalidas recited another shloka which meant: Raja Bhoj is alive and strong; Dharanagri is at its glory as the wise and the learned are honoured there."

As soon as Kalidas recited the shloka. Raja Bhoj came to life again. Very delighted, the seeker and the sought returned to Dharanagri.

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