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Forts of Gujarat

DURING the Rajput period adequate attention was given to fortification’ Forts were called by different names depending on their location etc, e.g. Sivir, Vahinimukha, Sthariya, Samviddha, Kolaka, Nigama and Sikandhatva. Forts were of various types, e.g. Vanadurga, Salilidurga, Parighadurga, Pankjadurga, Dhanrvadurga, Sahayadurga, Sainyadurga. Some basic rules about construction of forts were laid. In shape they could be circular, square, rectangular; they were to be surrounded by moats, enclosing walls and ramparts, furnished with gates, circumambulating flights of steps and secret staircases in the interior.

Forts of Gujarat

DURING the Rajput period adequate attention was given to fortification’ Forts were called by different names depending on their location etc, e.g. Sivir, Vahinimukha, Sthariya, Samviddha, Kolaka, Nigama and Sikandhatva. Forts were of various types, e.g. Vanadurga, Salilidurga, Parighadurga, Pankjadurga, Dhanrvadurga, Sahayadurga, Sainyadurga. Some basic rules about construction of forts were laid. In shape they could be circular, square, rectangular; they were to be surrounded by moats, enclosing walls and ramparts, furnished with gates, circumambulating flights of steps and secret staircases in the interior.

In a fortified city there were to be roads and buildings for different professions, and provision for secret entrance and exit had also to be made. It was to be ensured that the forts should withstand siege for a long time, be built in strategic places, possess natural strength, be inaccessible, have high and thick walls so that they could not be breached by cannon-balls or escalated by infantry, and should have enough provisions and water.


THERE are different stories about the foundation of Dabhoi (Durbhavati in Sanskrit), a fortress of considerable importance about 25 km from Baroda in Gujarat. One legend says that many centuries ago a king of Patan named Sadana Jaisingh had seven wives, amongst whom Ratanben was his favourite. He was dismayed that she failed to give him a son. She then went on a pilgrimage to the Narmada. When she was about ten miles from the place she halted in a grove where a holy Gosain told her that in a few days she would give birth to a male child. This came true. A child of twenty months was born to her who was named Vishaldev. The enchanted king permitted his queen to remain in the grove and ordered that a city surrounded by strong fortifications be built there and beautified with decorations. Many architects were employed and it took them 22 years to complete the city. The chief among the architects sought for and obtained the reward that the town be named Dubhowey after him.

On the other hand bardic traditions tell us that the town of Vishalnagar and the fortress of Durbh

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